New Springer publication: E-Mobility in Europe – Trends and Good Practice
Focusing on technical, policy and social/societal practices and innovations for electrified...
One step at a time: A complexity perspective for the next generation of EV policy
A Dutch team of E-Mobility NSR colleagues produced a compact draft in which recent developments of...
New book: Global perspectives on EV Business Models
E-Mobility NSR project team members, Dr Richard Kotter and Prof Ghanim Putrus, Northumbria...
At present, several cities and regions in Europe and the North Sea Region are developing strategies and action plans to bring forth electro mobility. To achieve this objective, a range of different incentives are currently being developed throughout Europe to seize the potential of electro mobility, especially in terms of local and regional traffic. However, to date many of these activities are neither well synchronized nor aligned with one another, so that realization is actually confined to only a few cities or regions. As a result, many opportunities for further development and growth of this future key mobility sector remain unexploited.
The EU-funded project North Sea Electric Mobility Network (E-Mobility NSR) will help to create favorable conditions to promote the common development of e-mobility in the North Sea Region. Transnational support structures in the shape of a network and virtual routes are envisaged as part of the project, striving towards improving accessibility and the wider use of e-mobility in the North Sea Region countries.
The North Sea Region Electric Mobility Network project is being undertaken in the framework of the Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme. The project runs from October 2011 to September 2014.