WP 5 Smart Grid Solutions
The scope of this work package on smart grid solutions comprised the development of new smart grid models for supporting sustainable electric mobility in the NSR region. Its rationale arose from the need to combine the actions of all of the connected actors, energy producers and consumers, as well as the distributors in order to benefit from the EVs and to make the overall system more efficient, sustainable, reliable and safe. The collaborating partners developed several activities for analysing the interactions between electric mobility - in terms of the vehicle performance, batteries, battery management systems (BMS), transportation service, users' behaviour, etc. - and the electric grid – in terms of the charging stations, metering, Vehicle2Grid-applications and other grid connections.
Develop a NSR smart grid concept with Vehicle2Grid applications in order to support the e-mobility development. | Produce project reports, conference contributions, journal articles and IT simulation tools in the field of users’ behaviour |
Test existing EVs and batteries, and develop tests about users’ behaviour |
The work of the partners focuses on three main topics:
1) Lab and field tests on EVs and demonstrations
2) Monitoring & analysing battery issues and applications
3) Assessment of smart grid solutions
Within these three areas a number of activities have been performed, ranging from research to demonstration and dissemination, for example:
- Laboratory tests on battery powered electric vehicles (BEVs), in particular Think! City, Mitsubishi i-Miev, Renault Kangoo ZE and Nissan Leaf, establishing a reference framework for the tests which classifies significant vehicle parameters, also through accurate freewheeling tests. Results were collected in a report and the data series in a DVD, complemented by several academic theses
- Field tests on BEVs and e-Buses, with the scope of measuring EVs storage capacities, their charging needs and their energy consumption in different weather conditions and usages
- One-year car sharing field test in small communities (so-called co-housings) has been conducted. To evaluate trip behaviour, EVs were monitored and their position mapped in real-time by using an application for GPS-logging
- Feasibility study of a solar powered road by PNH
- Demonstration activities on e-Buses
- Danish experiences in setting up charging infrastructure for EVs with a special focus on battery swap stations
- Smartphone application which defines consumer behaviours for e-mobility and simulates preferred behaviours, to be used in many different contexts
- Applied research on the “Current and future development of battery technology and its suitability within smart grids”
- Analysis and report on the battery innovation state-of-the-art
- Assessment of different models of smart grid. Based on a selection of different battery user profiles and a consumer segmentation, a distinctive model has been defined and tested
- Smart grid micro model. The model is characterized by input from the grid and renewable energy sources (RES) injecting energy, a classic load consuming energy and a double charging station for two electric cars
Read up on outcomes and main findings in our final results brochure.