New Springer publication: E-Mobility in Europe – Trends and Good Practice
Focusing on technical, policy and social/societal practices and innovations for electrified...
One step at a time: A complexity perspective for the next generation of EV policy
A Dutch team of E-Mobility NSR colleagues produced a compact draft in which recent developments of...
New book: Global perspectives on EV Business Models
E-Mobility NSR project team members, Dr Richard Kotter and Prof Ghanim Putrus, Northumbria...
Samling av nyhetsbrev, flygblad, e-mobilitetsstudier, rapporter, länkar och videor
Denna del visar studier av e-mobilitet och relaterad information från såväl e-mobilitet NSR projektpartner som externa källor.
E-Mobility NSR final results brochure
Newsletter 1 | 2012 E-Mobility NSR
Newsletter 2 | 2012 E-Mobility NSR
Newsletter 3 | 2013 E-Mobility NSR
Results of E-Mobility NSR
Click below the topic of your interest to find the related papers:
· Policy and Analyses
· Infrastructure and Routing
· Awareness and Information
· Battery and Smart Grid
Policy and Analyses
Infrastructure and Routing
Awareness and Information
Battery and Smart Grid
Studies and Reports
E-Mobility NSR Final Results Conference - Fostering Electric Mobility in the NSR Region
Hamburg, 01 September 2014, Germany
Towards a sustainable mobility – the future of electric mobility in Europe
Dr. Martijn van der Steen, Netherlands School of Public Administration, The Netherlands
Presentation 01
E-Mobility NSR – the project in a nutshell
Prof. Dr. Walter Leal, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany Presentation 02
Electric mobility in the North Sea Region – State of the art inventory and stakeholder analysis
Jan Jacob Trip, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Presentation 03
Towards transnational e-mobility travels
Leif Axelsson, PhD, Lindholmen Science Park, Sweden
Presentation 04
The role of EV consumer behavior in smart grid solutions
Prof. Dr. ir. Sidharta Gautama, IOF Innovation Centre i-KNOW-UGent, Belgium
Presentation 05
Bridging the E-Mobility information gap with E-Mobility Information Centers in the North Sea Region
Steen Olesen, Climate Consultant, Municipality of Høje-Taastrup, Kathrine Fjendbo Joergensen, Copenhagen Electric, Denmark
Presentation 06 Part I
Presentation 06 Part II
Creating Efficient & Effective Urban Freight Logistics Solutions in the North Sea Region
Michael Stie Laugesen, Head of Transportation and Planning Section, FDT - Association of Danish Transport and Logistics Centres, Denmark
Presentation 07
International conference "Policy, Practice and Profitability"
Haarlem, 10 October 2013, NL
Visual harvest of Haarlem conference published by Province Noord-Holland
The Dutch approach to electromobility. A wholesome three-some: innovation, green growth and climate/environment
Julia Williams-Jacobse, Project Leader Electromobility – Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs, NL
Video of the Presentation 01
Presentation 01
Stakeholders analysis EV infrastructure North Sea Region
Sjoerd Bakker, Delft University of Technology, NL
Video of the Presentation 02
Presentation 02
Emergent strategies for an emerging technology; how different countries and regions manage the introduction of E-mobility differently
Martijn van der Steen, NSOB (Netherlands School of Public Administration), NL
Video of the Presentation 03
Presentation 03
An electric success story in Norway, through powerful, but waning incentives
Benjamin Myklebust, ZERO Norway (Zero Emissions Resource Organisation), NO
Video of the Presentation 04
Presentation 04
CUFLOS - a forum for Clean Urban Freight Logistics Solutions
Michael Stie Laugesen, CUFLOS Denmark (Clean Urban Freight Logistics Solutions), DK
Video of the Presentation 05
Presentation 05
Car challenges
Maarten Steinbuch, Automotive Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL
Video of the Presentation 06
Presentation 06
The economics of electric vehicles and renewable energy
Paul Scott, Cofounder of Plug-in America, USA
Video of the Presentation 07
Presentation 07
Re-charging in public places: available, inter-operable, easy to use?
Stephen Shaw, London Metropolitan University, UK
Video of the Presentation 08
Presentation 08
E-harbours: stimulating renewable energy for power and transport
Jan Schreuder, INTERREG project E-Harbours, City of Zaanstad, NL
Video of the Presentation 09
Presentation 09
Drivers and bounderies for wireless charging of electric city buses and trucks
René Zorge, PROOV, NL
Video of the Presentation 10
Presentation 10
How to adopt EV’s in corporate fleets
Kenan Aksular, Athlon Car Lease, NL
Video of the Presentation 11
Presentation 11
E-mobility and electric motorcycles - building a sustainable, high performance EV business
Richard Walker, ZERO Motorcycles, USA
Video of the Presentation 12
Presentation 12
How to set up intelligent charging infrastructure for EV’s at home, work or in public places that help make the grid more efficient
Brett Hauser, CEO Greenlots, USA
Video of the Presentation 13
Presentation 13
Haarlem conference Youtubechannel with videos of all the presentations
International conference "Policy, Practice and Profitability"
in Netherlands, 2013
The new online E-mobility tool to facilitate location and design of publicly accessible EV charging: Interactive map
The prototype is designed to aid E-Mobility NSR project partners, Local Authority members and general public. The tool includes four functions: Gap Analysis, routing and the development of circular corridors, micro to macro visualisation of charge point distributions throughout the North Sea Region [virtual clustering], and the mapping of user feedback. See more at Natsmaps.
An interesting article on (german only)
from Tessa Taefi, Prof. Dr. Jochen Kreutzfeldt, Prof. Dr. Tobias Held, HAW Hamburg
City-Logistik: E-Transporter entlasten die Innenstädte