New Springer publication: E-Mobility in Europe – Trends and Good Practice
Focusing on technical, policy and social/societal practices and innovations for electrified...
One step at a time: A complexity perspective for the next generation of EV policy
A Dutch team of E-Mobility NSR colleagues produced a compact draft in which recent developments of...
New book: Global perspectives on EV Business Models
E-Mobility NSR project team members, Dr Richard Kotter and Prof Ghanim Putrus, Northumbria...
New reports: Current and future development of battery technology and its suitability within smart grids
01. December 2014E-Mobility NSR partner Ghent university published three key technical reports which offer insights on recent EV laboratory and EV field tests. The first technical report refers to laboratory tests conducted with EVs currently on the market (Think! City, Mitsubishi i-Miev, Renault Kangoo ZE, Nissan Leaf). The second publication refers to field tests with EVs (Nissan Leaf, Peugeot Ion) and e-buses (Tecnobus Gulliver U530 ESP) and was carried out with vehicles which are currently available on the market. Simulating their daily utilization, both the laboratory as well as the field tests comprised measuring EV storage capacities as well as charging needs and energy consumption.
The third report describes the ongoing development of batteries and its potentialities in terms of exchanging energy with a smart grid. There is a possible timeline of the implementations towards 2020, which introduces the need for recycling or/and a second use of the end of life battery in stationary energy storage. The authors explore also the believe that energy storage for stationary power will become an important component of the future "Smart Grid", by helping utilities to optimize power transmission and distribution. To that scope, a suite of stationary energy technologies is needed; no single storage technology option meets all the needs. The range of stationary storage requirements, spanning orders of magnitude in power and in discharge time, necessitates batteries, capacitors, hydrogen, flywheels, compressed air, pumped hydro, superconductor magnetic systems. Finally, the authors reflect on the possibility to re-use batteries after the first life.
· Find the reports in the info pool section of the E-Mobility NSR-Website.