Fostering Electric Mobility in the NSR Region - E-Mobility NSR Final Results Conference
1 September 2014, 1 – 5pm, Handelskammer Hamburg, Germanyread more >
Specialist Seminar “Clean Urban Freight Solutions”
22 May 2014, Hamburg/Germany, Fuelling the Climate Seriesread more >
International conference on electrified public transport
21-22 May 2014, Gothenburg, Swedenread more >
International conference: i-motion Consumer-Centric Innovation in Mobility
27 May 2014, Greenbridge Incubator, Ostend/Belgium read more >
11 April 2014, 9-5pm, London Metropolitan University, UKread more >
International conference "Policy, Practice and Profitability"
10 October 2013, Haarlem, NLread more >
International E-Mobility NSR conference "E-Mobility in the North Sea Region - experience and recommendations for development from current and future EV users"
6. March 2013, Høje-Taastrup, Denmarkread more >
International conference: i-motion Consumer-Centric Innovation in Mobility
27 May 2014, Greenbridge Incubator, Ostend/Belgium
Green vehicles have been identified by the industry and policy-makers worldwide for achieving major cuts in CO2 emissions and moving towards a sustainable transport system. They help to improve air quality, enhance the energy security of countries and support economic growth and competitiveness. Although green vehicles have generated increased interest among policy makers, businesses and consumers, the complexity of their market introduction still requires a well-coordinated combination of knowledge along the novel value chains of green vehicle technology.
Consumer acceptance plays a crucial role in the introduction of green mobility technology and concepts. Success depends on recasting sustainability to the needs and expectations of the consumer. Understanding the consumer and how this affects and shapes new technology, products and services, will be an essential ingredient for policy and innovation in sustainable mobility. This conference brings together representatives from the car industry, mobility services, smart grid, policy and academia to give different views on market acceptance of green mobility and the road ahead. Parallel to the conference, an innovation exhibition will showcase the latest academic and industrial innovation in products and services in mobility.
This conference is part of the EU-funded project North Sea Electric Mobility Network (E-MOBILITY NSR), which facilitates a joined-up approach to electrification of road transport mobility to improve accessibility and sustainable growth in the North Sea Region.