

16. October 2013

The Zero Emission Conference, Oslo, November 5 - 6 2013

Save the dates today, and join in for the most important meeting place for climate solutions and renewable energy in Scandinavia. The eight Zero ...[mere]

13. October 2013

New E-mobility tool to facilitate location and design of publicly accessible EV charging infrastructure

In the frame of the project's work package 4, E-Mobility NSR partner Cities Institute/London Metropolitan University has developed a New E-mobility ...[mere]

02. October 2013

New mapping report: Public & private e-mobility awareness needs in the North Sea Region

Another output of work package 6, headed by Denmark’s Høje Tåstrup Kommun (HTK), this report provides recommendations gathered to address current ...[mere]

28. September 2013

Review: Public E-Mobility events, project showcases, demonstrations and e-mobility dissemination actions in the UK and Denmark

In the frame of E-Mobility NSR’s work package 6, project partners from the UK and Denmark reviewed selected actions in their region which aim at ...[mere]

23. September 2013

New report: Mapping of current E-Mobility activities, campaigns and information channels in the North Sea Region

In the frame of E-Mobility NSR’s work package 6, a recent report depicts a “snap shot” map of current E-Mobility activities, campaigns and ...[mere]

19. September 2013

Launch of new E-Mobility Crowdsourcing Platform

On September 19th 2013 the E-Mobility NSR team lauched the platform for crowdsourcing new ideas, new solutions and new ...[mere]

17. September 2013

German E.ON purchases Better Places network of 770 charging stations spread over Denmark

With Better Place bankruptcy in May 2013 the Danish market for electric cars faced a temporary setback. Nonetheless, with E.ON’s entrance on the ...[mere]

11. September 2013

Review Hamburg seminar: Vehicle to grid strategies and technologies

On 5 September 2013, the E-Mobility NSR Hamburg team welcomed over 80 participants to a specialist seminar focusing on the theme “vehicle to grid”. ...[mere]

28. August 2013

Survey invitation by Austrian e-mobility agency: Incentives to promote electromobility

To foster transnational collaboration and exchange of best practices, the E-Mobility NSR project supports the Austrian e-mobility agency AustriaTech ...[mere]

26. July 2013

Comparative Analysis of European Examples of Schemes for Freight EVs released

FDT Association of Danish Transport and Logistics Centres, together with TU Delft, HAW Hamburg, Lindholmen Science Park and ZERO, have just released ...[mere]