

17. June 2015

New Springer publication: E-Mobility in Europe – Trends and Good Practice

Focusing on technical, policy and social/societal practices and innovations for electrified...

17. March 2015

One step at a time: A complexity perspective for the next generation of EV policy

A Dutch team of E-Mobility NSR colleagues produced a compact draft in which recent developments of...

17. February 2015

New book: Global perspectives on EV Business Models

E-Mobility NSR project team members, Dr Richard Kotter and Prof Ghanim Putrus, Northumbria...

New report: Recommendations for setting up regional e-mobility information centres

17. June 2014

This transnational report, produced in the frame of work package 6, informs the setting up of regional E-Mobility Information Centres (EMICs), and further develops the findings of the main report for work package 6.6. Drawing on evidence from the UK with transnational comparisons, it highlights two critical awareness gaps that must be overcome if mainstream market drivers are to convert to the new and as yet unfamiliar technology of electric mobility, and thus the information that should be communicated to current and potential users. The first gap refers to overcoming apprehensions of potential users with respect to vehicle performance, range, and recharging procedures. The second gap relates to the provision of Public Charging Infrastructure (PCI) where concerns over shortcomings with respect to availability, interoperability, convenience and ease of use will need to be addressed.

Empirical evidence from trials in the UK highlights the relative ease with which the early market for EVs has adapted to new routines for journey planning, driving and recharging. Analysis suggests that, for most people, the initial psychological deterrents do not translate into significant real-world barriers. The positive narrative of adjustment, diminishing concerns and increased satisfaction provides a powerful message that can be emphasised in communications strategies to promote the personal and business advantages (as opposed to the wider environmental benefits) of electric driving. Public policy acknowledges, nevertheless, that if 'mass market' users are to be converted to electric driving, an effective PCI must be installed to reduce the understandable concerns of drivers making longer trips beyond the range of their vehicles, and to accommodate residents without off-street parking who are unable to recharge at home.

· Download the report and appendix here. You will also find the files as well as further e-mobility project outputs by clicking on the info pool menu.