New Springer publication: E-Mobility in Europe – Trends and Good Practice
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New book: Global perspectives on EV Business Models
E-Mobility NSR project team members, Dr Richard Kotter and Prof Ghanim Putrus, Northumbria...
New book: Global perspectives on EV Business Models
17. February 2015E-Mobility NSR project team members, Dr Richard Kotter and Prof Ghanim Putrus, Northumbria University, Newcastle/UK, together with their colleague Matteo Conti, contributed a chapter (pp 147-168) to a new Springer publication on EV business models. The focus of their chapter is on energy efficiency in EVs and PHEVs and its impact on total cost of ownership. In addition, this contributed volume collects insights from further industry professionals, policy makers and researchers on new and profitable business models in the field of electric vehicles (EV) for the mass market. Moreover, it presents alternative models of ownership, financing and leasing. Finally, the editors present state-of-the-art insights from international experts, including real-world case studies.
The volume has been edited in the framework of the International Energy Agency’s Implementing Agreement for Cooperation on Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (IA-HEV). The target audience primarily comprises practitioners and decision makers but the book may also be beneficial for research experts and graduate students. For a glimpse on further contents, download the table of contents here.